While I've always been motivated by the idea that my work should be helping create a better world for humanity, I wasn't exactly sure what "Humanistic Management" was when I stumbled into the phrase in communities within the Academy of Management. So I read a few things, bumped into some complementary ideas, and participated in a few discussions. A few months later, I think I have a clearer idea of "Humanistic Management" and, more importantly, where it fits into the ongoing conversations on socially/environmentally responsible management happening in various pockets of the Academy.
Want a quick briefing on what I learned?
Join the conversation during the next
Humanistic Management PhD Network discussion on
April 30 from 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. EDT.
Each monthly gathering of the Humanistic Management Ph.D. network features the work of selected Ph.D. students in the field to: 1) highlight the topic, 2) provide generative and constructive feedback, 3) share general insights on the Ph.D. journey; its trials, tribulations and triumphs, and 4) share and discuss concerns of members of the group via zoom.
The April 30th session will feature Celeste Diaz Ferraro (Penn State) and David Capistran (EGADE, Mexico). Faculty members David Wasieleski (Duquesne University), Erica Steckler (UMass-Lowell) and Michael Pirson (Fordham University) will share tips for a successful Ph.D. journey and beyond.
Organizers John Kyle (University of Derby), Juergen Nagler (UNDP), Hooria Jazaieri (UC Berkeley), Michael Pirson (Fordham University) welcome all interested folks to listen in & participate. Learn more at humanisticmanagement.international
IHMA is a partner of the Academy of Management MSR IG, UN PRME, the Economy for the Common Good, and Well Being Economy Alliance (WEAll)